The story of Lazarus is one that is familiar to many of us. I mean even in the Bible someone being raised from the dead is pretty rare and astonishing, not to mention that the shortest verse in the Bible - one quoted often by smart alecks around the world - Jesus wept - is from this passage. But I want you to think about a couple of things that you might not have noticed before. First, in John 11:15 Jesus says to his disciples that for their sake he is glad that he wasn’t there before Lazarus died, so that they may believe. It goes well beyond just the disciples that benefit from Jesus waiting. But many of those blessings come with some difficulty and pain, but if you asked Mary, Martha or even Lazarus if it was worth it - I think they would tell you it absolutely was. Yes it’s awesome anytime Jesus heals someone - but it’s even more amazing when he brings someone back from the grave. Verse 45 reveals how powerful this moment was when it tells us that many of the people who had come to visit the family after the tragic death of Lazarus became believers after seeing what Jesus did. Think about that for a moment - these people believed in Jesus - they gained eternal life because Lazarus died.
But there is even better news for us. Those people aren’t the only ones who gained eternal life because of Lazarus death - so did we. I don’t mean that Lazarus death saved us, but right after John talks about those who believed because of what happened, he mentions some others who weren’t so happy. Instead of believing in Jesus they run to the Pharisees to tattle on Jesus. That becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back for the Pharisees. They wanted to kill Jesus before this but now they must kill Him. They don’t see any other choice - Jesus must die. And as we celebrated this weekend - that is what gives us life. That death is what saves us. That sacrifice is what allows us to be reconciled to the Father.
This weekend we celebrated how Jesus died to bring us new life - but Lazarus death played a part in that as well, and God can use our current suffering to show off His goodness as well. Love you guys - see you soon.
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