When I was a kid our children's choir did a musical based on the story of the fiery furnace in Daniel 3. I'll just be honest - I was the bad guy - I played King Nebuchadnezzar. But despite being cast as the villian of the story it has always been one of my favorites. The awesome faith of these three men who refuse to bow to an idol, even if it means their death - and they literally say that to the king - "even if he does not (deliver us), we want you to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up". They fully believed that God could save them - that He was completely capable - but even if He didn't - their trust was not shaken. They weren't going to bow. Of course as many of us know - God does save them. They are thrown into the fire - a fire so hot that some of the men who throw them in die from the heat. Yet when the king looks into the fire he sees not only the three men that were thrown in, but a fourth man just walking around in the flames. He calls for them to come out and not only are they unharmed, they don't even smell like smoke. Just God showing off how amazing He is.
So last year when I discovered the song "Another in the Fire" by Hillsong, it quickly became one of my favorites. There is another in the fire with us. When difficult times come, when life gets hard - like it is right now - we aren't alone. There's a cool progression in the chorus of this song. The first time we are reminded of the cross - where another died for us. The second time we get a glimpse of the grave that does not hold a body, and are reminded that the same power now lives in us. And finally - this great line - "I count the joy come every battle because I KNOW that's where You'll be." This is why people like Paul were thankful for trials and difficulties, because they knew they would meet God in the midst of those - they trusted that God would be there, that there would be another in the fire with them.
I don't know about all of you - but I'm very ready for this pandemic to be over with. I'm ready to come to church again, to see family and friends, for my kids to go to a school that is not my dining room table. But whether that happens tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or next year - I can trust that there is another in this fire with me. That I don't face any of it alone, and no matter what happens I can worship Him, I can trust Him, I can follow Him. In fact, I can learn to see the joy when these difficult times come because I know He will be there. That doesn't mean the difficulties go away - it just means my God is bigger than those, and being with Him is worth it no matter what is happening. So as we continue waiting for the end of this tunnel, for a return to some normalcy - just know that there is another in this fire with you, and He isn't going anywhere. Love you guys - see you soon.
Here's a video of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmNc0L7Ac5c
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